Have you ever participated in an EdCamp?

I’ve participated in and facilitated several and just can’t say enough about what a valuable professional learning model Edcamps are for educators, especially classroom teachers. If you like personalized learning experiences and engaging in authentic dialogue with other passionate educators, keep on reading!

What is an EdCamp?

EdCamps emerged as a professional learning opportunity for teachers in 2010. The model is often referred to as an “unconference.” Edcamps are agenda-less. Participants generate topics of interest on sticky tabs upon arrival. Those sticky tabs are organized into thematic discussion topics. Participants then get to decide which discussions they’d like to attend. There are no official instructors imparting knowledge. Rather, learning occurs organically through shared dialogue encouraged by table facilitators. The take-aways are the ideas and resources that emerge during these natural, teacher-driven discussions.

Why EdCamp?

  1.  They’re typically free or inexpensive.
  2.  Teachers create the agenda!
  3.  There’s no sit and get. Rather, teachers bring the expertise.
  4.  It democratizes the voice of teacher learners.
  5.  The model encourages rich, collaborative dialogue.
  6.  EdCamps are flexible and allow you to “vote with your feet.”
  7.  Teachers leave with practical tips and ideas for immediate classroom application.

If you’ve been to an EdCamp before, what you’d you think? Please share in the comments section below.

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